Nikon D70
Nikkor 28-70 f2.8 AFS
ISO 200
F8, 1/60 second
Brentwood, CA
These scissors are the reason why the pictures out of my disposable camera are going to suck. I usually keep these scissors and a little stapler in my backpack for school. I pulled out the stapler, but forgot about the scissors when I flew home. I had my disposable in my backpack loaded with film, and when they scanned it, they stopped and examined my bag longer because of those scissors. I remembered that I had left them in there when they were taking so long on it, so I told them that I think I left scissors in my bag and they can go ahead and throw them away. That just attracted more attention to my bag so they got a second and a third person to look at the x-ray of the bag. It was probably under the scanner for 3 minutes before they finally pulled it the rest of the way through and did a hand search. They finally determined that they were ok and let me keep them, but at the point the damage to the film had already been done.